Asset Accounting Software

Leto Fixed Assets management system is the globally accepted well defined Asset management application to manage, track and maintenance the assets.LetoFAMS Fixed Asset Accouting management software provides comprehensive management of all your assets. Scheduled depreciattion runs the reports and update to your ledgers automatically. Superior Architecture: flexible & scalable – grows with your business – Ultimate, Supreme and Premium Enterprise Editions to scale painlessly and cost-effectively with company growth

Asset Tracking Management Software

Now it's much easy to handle all of your assets. Letoerp's comprehensive fixed asset tracking software helps you to generate barcode for all of your fixed asset across your organization within the same branch or multiple branches.

Asset Maintenance Software

Leto Fixed Assets Maintenance Management Software is best of choice to maintain all of your assets. Schedule your asset maintenance with Preventive and corrective schedule method to keep track of all your expensive assets. Automatic schedule reminder sends you the notification for your email and generates automatic work order to the specific job. job estimation can be done in professional way for labor and material. scheduled site visit and job completion process will be taken care